Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Never a dull moment!

Hi folks: We all remembered a tragedy this past weekend! Well here's something miraculous to celebrate this week! As you may remember I posted some information about my friend Poetri's wife Judren at the beginng of the summer. They were looking to raise funds to get them to Chicago for an experimental treatment. We'll It worked! She got the treatment and today at her first rehab session she actually got up out of her wheel chair and WALKED!  Don't believe me?  Here's the video of the session they posted on YouTube:
Congrats guys!

Here are some of the other events this week:

1.Moonday East celebrates the coming of fall on Sunday afternoon, Sept 18 at Flintridge Books with featured poet, Cecilia Woloch. Where: Flintridge Books is at 1010 Foothill Blvd, La Canada, CA Date: Sunday, Sept 18, 2011Time:  2 pm PST Open Reading? Yes, come early to sign up for the open reading.Questions?  Email: More about the poet and more poems at:

209/25/2011: Reading in Claremont, CA 2PM Claremont Public Library; 208 N. Harvard Ave; Claremont, CA.

3 . Congratulations to "The Soup(urp!) Man!" Don "Kingfisher" Campbell on being accepted into the MFA program at Antioch University! 

4. Please join RPCN for:  What: Business Forum Where: Pittsford Community Library Date: 16 Sep 2011
Time: 8:00 AM Est.

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