Thursday, April 16, 2009

All things end.

Hi folks : Well it's that time again . Here's this weeks Poem:

By Lawrence R. Berger
Excuse me sir
My name is Lawrence R. Berger
and I'm a proponent of reverse pan handling.
Would you like some change?
No, really would you?
You see as I walk out of my house on the way to the bus stop
I always pass the same three people. It never fails they are there every single day.
The first one has a chain around his neck
held together not with a lock but with a banjo.
The second is a man of color
not black but silver from head to toe.
I found out recently his name is Tron.
the third just had his legs blown off in the war
and all of them have cups in their hands begging for change.
I've learned something living in the area though.
I've learned its really money they are after.
they count on the fact that people will through coins in the cups
and say i don't need the wake up call.
They have gotten to know me too
and they know that as a poet
All I can offer them is change
(c) 2000 Lawrence R. Berger from Dragons Dance volume one
Only two weeks left on the contest. see previous posts for guidelines.

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