Wednesday, August 31, 2011

End of summer!

Hi folks :  Here's the events for this week but before I get started here's a link to the obituary for Scott Wannaberg:,0,7491875.story

Okay here we go:

1. Rochester Employment Network Workshop – September 20 FREE and Open to the Public
Presented by: Eric Derby

WHEN: Thursday September 20th, 6:30-9 PM
WHO’S INVITED: Open to the public
WHERE: Temple Sinai – Youth Lounge
363 Penfield Rd, Rochester , NY 14625

2. Pondwater Society 16504 E. Masline St. Covina, California 91722 Saturday, September 3 · 4:00pm - 7:00pm
YES ! Its the fab Pond Water Society
YES! Fun
YES !! AN Open Mic
Featuring : Yours truly (Bren Petrakos) &; Eric Lawson

I am excited to feature at this amazingly fun and wonderful venue
Please come out and enjoy the POND!
We are driving from the west side
let me know if you want to carpool!!
Contact Pond Water Society page for more info!!
3 .SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 -- Round 21: Sparring With Beatnik Ghosts -- "Wild Bunch"@ Art House Gallery &; Cultural Center (2905 Shattuck @ Ashby) in Berkeley.The 9/10/11 Spar will feature the following poets: Neeli Cherkovski, Amelie Frank, Marc Olmsted, Mel C. Thompson, A. Razor and David Smith's tribute "Remembering Scott Wannberg." Musical guest Zo &; Rick. There will also be an "Outlaw Open-Mic segment. Sign-up to read at 6:30. Show starts at 7 p.m.There is a $5 donation with proceeds benefitting Poetry Festival Santa Cruz on 2/12/12.www.sparringwithbeatnikghosts.comView the event album at:

4.Saturday, September 17 · 3:00pm - 10:00pm 

681 Venice Blvd.

More Info
Saturday, September 17, 3:00 PM to 10:00 PM
We invite anyone who was touched by Scott Wannberg's life to join us at Beyond Baroque for a wild and wooly party to share memories, console, grieve, drink, dance and generally raise the roof in memory of the amazing Mr. Mumps.

BBQs will start getting heated up at 3:00 PM. BYOE (everything). Carlye Archibeque is coordinating the pot luck sides &; such.  Email to if you want to know what to bring.

This is a party! Bring liquor, beer, musical instruments, poetry, and your dancing heart. Let's send him off with a noise they can hear in heaven and beyond.

Street parking.

Dear Poets,
This is a reminder that our next Just Poets meeting is after Labor Day. We will meet
Saturday, September 10: 1:30 to 4:00 PM at our usual meeting place at St. John Fisher
College 3960 East Avenue in Rochester (COP conference room of the Campus Center
(2nd floor) up the stairs to your left)
In the first part of the meeting I will be presenting a powerpoint, What in the World is
Poetry. Based on interpretations of Ezra Pound's injunction, Make it new, I invite you to
join me in examining the ways we pay attention to poems and possibilities for deepening
our appreciation of them. What universals link great poems across cultural barriers and
across time? What windows in our own world vision do we learn from their translation?
Whether language of nature, art, music, sign language, dance or silent traces, no matter
your background, the goal of the talk is to leave you with an urge to talk to your muse,
and tap into new ideas for your writing. If time permits, we will test contemporary
poems against those revived from the classics in the 20th century. Following the
presentation, there will be the usual workshopping of poems with Colleen Powderly. The
other facilitator will be announced at the meeting. Remember to bring 10 -12 typed
copies for sharing.
This is an ideal time to consider inviting A NEW FRIEND! If you are a teacher, bring
your students. If you have met someone who has never tried poetry and is curious why
you are smitten with the poetry bug, bring them!
See you there!  Kitty
 Just a few of the events that have come across my desk that I thought might interest you !

Here's a poem for you! 

Time for change
is always there
it is the one constant in the universe
and gives us all kinds of new material

neat huh? 

If you like it check out my book:

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