Wednesday, September 12, 2012



I will return
I will return one day to the land
Where I met him–
There was the hour before.
He did not know that I existed
I didn’t know he was alive.

It was some sort of miracle
That he was alive.
I did not know that the first hour
Or the hour before– that came much later on,
The second hour, or was it the first?
Anyway it is still the time before,
I will return, I will return.
When I return what name shall I give you,
What name?

I shall give you the name Adam
You should love that name,
So should I–it suits you.
I shall love your name, the man you are
(the boy you were)
My Adam who walks this earth.

I can’t give you your name just yet–
I don’t know you yet– it is still the time before.

I wonder what name you will give me
When we wee meet.
They say I have diaspora eyes,
But you cannot call me that.

Anyway, it is still the time before–

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